After the National release of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Document, British Columbia’s Ministry of Education made a commitment to participate in the healing of Aboriginal Peoples by including Aboriginal content in every classroom for every subject. The Langley School District Aboriginal Program is very excited about the District’s undertaking to uphold these recent changes by assisting us in the reclaiming of Aboriginal culture and inclusion in our schools. It is an exciting time promising a wealth of cultural experiences for all Staff and Students inside and outside of the classroom.
The Aboriginal Program has traditionally provided the following Educational Programs/Services:
- Academic and Personal Support
- Home-School Communication (letters, phone calls, etc.)
- Monitoring of academic progress and attendance
- Cultural enrichment
- Graduation/Scholarship/Bursary/Post-Secondary Information
- Early Literacy/Numeracy Intervention
- APALS Program
- Newsletter
- In-class Cultural Presentations/Events
- Leadership Conferences
- Transition Conferences