Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to DW Poppy Secondary, Home of the Redhawks!

We would like to welcome new families, students and staff to the DW Poppy family!  We know that it is going to be a spectacular year and we look forward to connecting with you.

At DW Poppy Secondary we take pride in our long-standing traditions, and we work closely with our feeder schools: Peterson Road, Wix Brown, Fort Langley, North Otter and Coghlan Elementary schools.  Together we provide our students with strong community values, leadership, exceptional learning opportunities, academic excellence, sense of belonging and a community of care.

At DW Poppy, we are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.  We are committed to helping our students grow and provide an enriching environment where every individual has the right to achieve their full learning potential.  DW Poppy aligns with the Langley School District’s Mission, “To inspire all learners to reach their full potential and create a positive legacy for the future”.

In partnership with families, we seek to connect students to the school, the community, and to one another. Our staff, students, and families strive to pursue and adhere to our school’s core values of Care/Respect, Pride, Hard Work, Honesty, Courage and Leadership, understanding that these values are universally beneficial for adolescents and adults alike.

DW Poppy is also about exploring and pursuing our passions.  It is our goal that all students would find a place at school where they feel a sense of belonging and their talents flourish.  We encourage students to take advantage of the many opportunities provided through innovative elective courses, athletics teams, fine arts and school clubs. It is through these shared experiences that students discover their strengths, build friendships, and strengthen their connection to school.

We feel privileged to be able to be part of the DW Poppy community and we look forward to working with families and students throughout the school year.


       Mr. Harris                                               


DW Poppy Secondary School

23752 - 52 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 2P3
Phone: 604-530-2151
Fax: 604-530-5034